
7  Write Lessons

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on October 5, 2006 at 4:10:30 pm

Lessons for Writing Grade 7


10/05 Prep for LC Project

  • Spelling Test
  • Review writing process.
  • Review Six Traits
    • Handbook 19/20


| Writing GLE: 2.2.1 Demonstrates understanding of different purposes for writing.

Writes to analyze informational and literary texts.

Writes to learn (e.g., KWL Plus; summary; double-entry notes) |


    • Notes: In your notes, include: the trait, its explanation, a symbol that represents it
      • Class Work: The remaining four traits completed
    • Jigsaw: Share your group's knowledge with another group.
    • Pantomime: Create a pantomime on a selected writing trait. (Two minutes)

10/04 Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences

  • Arrive with your guardian, explain class procedures, your work, your WASL pretest, your grades.
  • Guardians write two compliments and one goal for you.
  • Teachers answer any questions

10/03 WASL Scoring; Conference Prep

  • Spelling check
  • Practice Spelling Homework Procedures
  • Prewrite to prompt:
    • Write a letter to your family explaining what is important about writing class. Include at least three important activities.
    • Conference Prep: WASL tests/scores review

10/02 Procedures and Conference Work

  • Spelling: find 30 words for your personal spelling list; choose 5 for Tuesday
  • Procedures: Hallway, Enter Class, Class Work (independent, partner, group), Leave Class
  • Review School and Class Rules
  • Sign Contracts
  • Practice procedures
  • Conference Preparation and practice--Skills /Conference sheet

9/29 Comma Usage (Substitute)

9/28 Prep for LC Project

  • Review writing process.
  • Intro/review Six Traits
    • Handbook 19/20
    • Notes: In your notes, include: the trait, its explanation, a symbol that represents it
      • Class Work: 2 traits completed

9/27 Prewriting Strategy Review

  • In notes on LC, add 4th column: goal--what do you hope to achieve?
  • Review our prewriting strategies used in our LC discussions:
    • Gathering Ideas: Text pages:
      • 54: Gathering Information with freewriting, lists, analyzing (parts, senses, comparisons) 5Ws (who, what, when, where, why)
      • 56 : Graphic Organizers--columns and charts
      • 60: organization patterns--choose and explain to class your LC pattern

9/26 LC Prewriting

  • I learned statements, continued
    • Share, listen, take notes as prewriting to gather information
      • Four columns:
        • Presenter/activity
        • Slogan
        • I learned that...
        • How I will use this (goal) (tomorrow)
  • __Homework__:
    • Note: This was due 9/21
    • Write 3 descriptive paragraphs using sensory imagery and similes to describe three different events at LC

9/25 Teacher Inservice (No School)

9/22 Native American Day

9/21 LC Prewriting

  • I learned statements
    • Share, listen, take notes as prewriting to gather information
    • Share descriptions of LC

9/20 Descriptions

  • Think of one incident at LC
    • Zoom in, like a camera
    • Describe the incident in detail
      • Include senses: sights, sounds, textures, smells, feelings
      • Include similes (comparisons)
      • Use strong verbs and nifty nouns
        • Example: The dark blue water welcomed us with its calm, glassy surface, reflecting the clouds like a mirror. However, Jan dipped her toes into water on silky shore, shivered, and exclaimed, "I'm not e diving into that iceberg!"


        • Student samples:
          • Speakers spoke wisely and proudly while kids sat staring at their food, mouth watering.
          • I crept through the cabin frequently, wondering of there were something dangerous outside.
          • I dove like a dolphin learning to swim.
          • Our beds were hard as rocks.
  • __Homework__ due tomorrow:
    • Write 3 descriptive paragraphs using sensory imagery and similes to describe three different events at LC.

9/19 Prewriting Prep for LC Writing

  • Three columns:
    • Presenter/activity
    • Slogan
    • I learned (9/21)
  • Share, listen, take notes as prewriting to gather information for project writing
  • Project Goal: Leadership Camp Goal letters with poem explaining LC.

9/18 WASL pretest (Substitute)

9/15 Reflect on Team Projects & Leadership

  • What did you learn from the Tower and Stretch projects?
  • What events/activities/presenters occured at Leadership Camp?
  • What were your thoughts, feelings, concerns, surprises, etc.?
  • Why did the presenters share what they did? What were you to learn?
  • Be thinking: What do you hope to achieve with your training?
  • Turn in notes.

9/14 Thinking/Problem-solving

  • Name Game
  • Stretch Project

9/13 WASL and Thinking

  • WASL test
  • Thinking Problem: Tower



9/12 WASL Pretest


  • WASL Pretest Writing (Girls)



9/11 Prompt and Content Writing


  • I found a magic ring that...
  • Read and write in content area


9/8 Writing Riddle; Cooperative Thinking


  • Riddle: Who am I?
  • Use strategies for project: Create a long"stretch" with minimal resources

9/7 Pretest, Thinking Skills, Teamwork


  • Work again on writing test
  • Learn brainstorming and thinking strategies (fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration)
  • Use strategies for project: Build a tower with minimal resources

9/6 WASL Writing Pretest

9/5: Writing Survey/Leadership


*Complete a survey on what you know about writing

*Predict and discuss about Leadership Camp

*What will happen?

*What do you plan to achieve?

*Introductions to Beth and Nancy

9/1: Scavenger Hunt


*Discover your English textbook by completing Scavenger Hunt # 1

8/31: Share and assess poems


  1. Student Poems: "I am": Review and assess partner poems using "Record Sheets for Writing Samples" and criteria established yesterday.
  2. Share with partners and whole class.

8/30: Generate idea; Follow a pattern


  1. Poem "I am": Read poem; find patterns and line break suggestions
  2. Poem characteristices: facts, fun, dreams, a worry, a sadness,
  3. Poem pattern: I + verb; Repeating line: I am a _________ boy/girl who loves ______________.
  4. Assignment: Create a poem following the pattern and including the poem characteristics. Bring Neat Sheet to class tomorrow.

8/29: Writing & Thinking, Planners, Set Rules


  1. The first day of school: take notes, underline in texts--part of reading process for making a mind movie
  2. Review Barbecue Welcome and Think Different inspiration. "How are you smart?" homework.
  3. Planners: What's in them?
  4. Why are we here?: How will we act to achieve our goals? Create a class contract for our goals and behavior.

8/28 : Barbecue & Welcome


  • Think Different, Change the World, Inpire: Each of us can make a difference in the world, either close at home, or on a larger scale, such as taking a trip to Washington, DC to lobby for our schools.
  • How are you smart? Take the survey on multiple intelligences and see where your talents shine. Bring the paper back tomorrow to share.










If paper is due, use this line:

Final Paper Due: Submit here


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